Happy Emily®

Available: Wk. 45 to wk. 15
Plug size: 60 hole plug
Flowering time: May – September
Plants per m²: 4
Height: ± 50 cm. (depends on variety)
Pinching: No
Topping: No
Virus free tissue culture
Winter hardy: Sensitive to frost
Product code: 117222

CannaSol™ Happy Emily® shines like the sun with its beautiful yellow colour. CannaSol™ is hybridized to produce large flowers, self cleaning, has a compact growing habit and continue blooming. This plant is suitable for the patio, garden and public areas plantings. This variety is propagated through tissue culture and is virus free.

Sales and growing Support

Contact directly for more information:

Daan Kneppers
M: +31 (0)6 51 82 47 12
E: daan@green-works.nl
